Here you can find a list of projects and collaborative efforts that I’ve been a part of.

Mass spectrometry based proteomics

Much of the work I’ve done has been in MS based protemics. Some script for data analysis that I’ve used are avaliable here: MS_Tools. But there is more to come.


ProteoBench is an open and collaborative platform for community-curated benchmarks for proteomics data analysis pipelines. Our goal is to allow a continuous, easy, and controlled comparison of proteomics data analysis workflows. Read more in the documentation. You can also have a look at the ProteoBench repository, to see the code base.

Internal Fragment Ions

As part of the EuBIC 2023 developers meeting, I joined a collaborative effort to analyse and visualise the internal fragment ions in proteomics data. The project is found in the Internal Ions repository.

Peptide drug development with symbolic regression

An example of peptide drug featurization and modelling using anticancer peptides. Read this article, written during my time working at Abzu.


List of hackathons and other coding challanges.
