File conversion
How to convert between different file formats in proteomics?
This is a short tutorial on what tools you can use when converting files from .raw into .mzML, .mzXML formats. This tutorial is for converting proteomics mass spectrometry files. Please let me know if you have any comments or suggestions. :)
Download This program has many useful tools, including a file parser and converter to mzML and mzXML.
You can run the FileConverter on a local directory with your *.raw files to convert to .mzML uring this small bash script.
# Input and output directories
input_dir="/INPUTPATH" # change to your own folder
# Check if the output directory exists, and if not, create it
mkdir -p "$output_dir"
# Iterate over files in the input directory
for input_file in "$input_dir"/*.raw; do
# Get the base filename (without the path)
base_filename=$(basename "$input_file")
# Construct the output filename with .mzML extension
# Run the FileConverter command to convert the file
FileConverter -in "$input_file" -out "$output_file" # -no_peak_picking
# Construct the output filename with .mzxML extension
FileConverter -in "$output_file" -out "$output_file_w" -force_MaxQuant_compatibility
# Print a message indicating the conversion
echo "Converted $input_file to $output_file"
Another tool for file conversiong is the ThermoRasFileParser: Download GUI or command line. There is a full list of commmands avaliable as well.
Which can be ran in the commandline like so.
mono ThermoRawFileParser.exe -i=/home/user/data_input/raw_file.raw # on mac, for windows omit mono
Happy parsing! / C